Tuesday, January 13, 2009

[Actual Post Date: 9/26/06]

Hey world, not all men want to run away from the responsibility of raising a child they may have created! Even when the father and mother want nothing to do with each other. This standard general perception must change. It should be made possible that if a man believes he impregnated a woman, there should be some type of process that he can go through to acquire medical data on the child he may have conceived. I understand it's a woman's body, but nine months compared to the next 50 years or so? A child is NOT just about the first nine months!

I understand their is a surplus of dead-beats out there giving the real men a bad name, which ostensibly must change too. Because the men who want to be daddies are being tortured by the not knowing and hence are rendered legally impotent. The men that really want to be dads are being persecuted and kept powerless.


Blogger Shabbar Suterwala said...

Great Article.. very informative and insightful tips.

Thanks for sharing

Shabbar Suterwala
Corporate Soft Skills Trainer

9:59 PM  

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